The Key-School is a mobile web application organization, management and educational work evaluation, specialized for the needs of the Greek educational system. Through the application, everyone in the community educational institution, regardless of where it is located, accessed via computer or his mobile in his own page on Key-School, you see what they should see and perform the functions assigned to the address.
• Organized and controlled the educational work produced at the level Educational Organization, Educational Unit, Class, Group, Guidance Department, Course, Student.
• There is complete flexibility in coverage peculiarities in the way of teaching courses and coverage exceptions to the courses followed by the student in each department.
• Record the scheduling of training organization for all hours of instruction and courses throughout the year. For each hour of instruction comments can be posted and educational material.
• In Key-School recognized the way the evaluation of any educational institution, as is. For each criterion (category) Evaluation using the em today. organization (exam, work, verbally, grades quarter, semester, etc..) created a field in which operators can enter grades and comments.
• The assessment for each student is automatically registered in the tab on three levels: general assessment per subject per evaluation criterion (with grades and writing comments for each case).
• It is possible Internal Evaluation: Teachers and educational services organization, assessed through online questionnaires completed by students and parents. The address takes statistics for each class, each teacher and the educational work of the organization of the elements of evaluation questionnaires. The operation of the questionnaires can be used for other topics to be selected by the address of the educational institution.
• The Key-School parameterized directly according to the needs of the educational organization as it is made (and not "adapted") to the Greek educational system. At the start of the training period, is registered in the annual EIC operating data. organization (students, staff, courses, parts, etc.) and set the roles and viewing / management rights of all members of the NFC community. organization.
• It is extremely simple to use, for each member of staff, students and parents. Provided training and full technical support. Accompanied by a detailed user manual. Delivered directly to the "turnkey".
• There are no hidden costs. The Keystone is committed to adapt the application to change the educational system free of charge for users.
• It is a unique IT support tool for most procedures required for the certification of training organizations according to ISO or CD.
Caution: To activate the application requires installation code, which is provided by the educational institution to which you belong.